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Re: Boat US insurance

I use it and have had a claim. They are the best.


Re: Boat US insurance

I used them for a sailboat I owned. I put in a claim and they paid the claim and then cancelled my insurance
Excellent Rate -- Using AllSTATE right now. 2 boats $265 and my atv is $75 and the snowmobile is cheap to.

Re: Boat US insurance

Thanks guys.

My buddy's trailer had broken an axle they paid for the new axle plus labor.

tight lines,

Re: Boat US insurance

I used to have Boat US and had 2 claims, their process was easy and paid very quickly. No complaints really. Last year I did a stare and compare with Progressive and found their covered a better deal for me. I was able to increase some coverages for the same money I was paying Boat US. They have the disappearing deductible as well. Progressive also covers me to 75 miles off shore where I think(could be wrong) Boat US stopped at 25.

Re: Boat US insurance

I've never had any issues with Progressive, but was thinking of shopping as I will be using the new boat in the salt, but nowhere near 25 miles out. But now that you mention it, I do think they had a limit on salt, if it's 25 miles, I'll stay where I am.

10,000 rider for fishing gear, including electronics was pennies extra too.

Better call and make sure nothings changed I guess.

Big John