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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Salty - vertical flashers

Good point, if you run Cannons the boom is fixed, does not lift up like Big Johns or some of the others out there ?

John S.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Salty - vertical flashers

Ahhh yes... set boom... well your last idea (and Johns agreement to it) sounds like a good solution. Would be good if it will auto-stop with the flashers still in the water. That should almost aleviate any problems with fishing line possibly tangling in the flasher.
So, running the dodger behind the ball (definitely from Popeye)... does it still get good movement with the flashers attached above the ball? I'd think they would slow the movement down.
Sounds like, with all the flashing, spinning, dodging and shining you've got going on, the fish will be in a trance. If that doesn't get their attention, what will???
Catch 'em up on Moosehead!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Salty - vertical flashers

Eric- I run a Blacks release w/snap attached to the cable and then the verticle attached to the Blacks then the ball on end of the verticle. This works fine running the the lure 6 to 20 feet behind. On days when that setup is not working well a tricj=k I learned frm Popeye is to use a stacker 3 or 4 feet above the verticle spinners in stead of right close to them.