I would Def. have to agree with John S. I too am also a big boy (Big boned i always say LOL Just more of me to love LOL) and there was absulutly no screwing around with the pic of my Laker He is the biggest I have ever caught and no bull it looked just like that, that thing had a belly almost as big as mine LOL If you want to see a picture that looks really decieving go the the links page on your left, click on the fish and game website go to fishing click on fishing information, scroll down and click on the picture of the little boy holding the fish it will show you some pictures of nice fish caught this year (Including my laker LOL) but look at the picture of the Salmon caught on Pleasant Lake it says it is 9 pounds something You take a good look at the photo and tell me honestly if that looks like a 9pound fish????? mine was 9 1/2 pounds and I'm sorry but it seems to Dwarf that fish??????? If that's a 9 pound salmon then the one i lost earlier in the season on Sampson's boat must have been an 11 pounder!!!!!! Just wanted to point out that not all pictures are as they seem!!!!!!!! Take Care God Bless and Tight Lines LOL Dave From up North P.S. I still love the Pic of my "MONSTER" LOL
Dave, you got my curiosity up... I looked at that pic and upon first glance, I agreed it didn't look 9lbs. Then I went about it "scientifically" I measured the boys fingers and assuming his fingers were of average size, I came up with the fish being 27.25 inches long and 5.4 inches at the highest from stomach to back. Assuming his measurement of 17" girth was accurate that means that fish was just over 3" wide (on average) which would be more like 4" wide at the stomach and 2" at the back in actuality. That equals a nice fish... the weight is more than likely quite accurate.
Figured I'd bore you guys with the info I came up with during my 15 minutes of boredom...LOL
I think the fish is turned just a little and with the kids fingers blocking the view of the fish, it makes it look much smaller than it is. I would have guessed 5.5 to 6 lbs if asked just looking at that pic.
I was not giving a complaint, I was giving my opinion on how I take my pictures of fish. I personal like them waist up with fish vertical. I'm also a big guy, (6'4") but this is what I do. When I look at pics. anywhere with fish I compare to what's near them and it's hard to do if the fish is not on the same plane. Everyone to each their own. But not a complaint only an opinion. You guys and this board are great and I didn't mean to question any fish size, only something i've always thought growing up and looking at old fishing pics.
PS. John that's a hell of a fish but I did't even see the pic when I first posted the message!
Wow I had no idea my little message would cause such a stir. I had absolutely NO intent on pointing anyone out or offending anyone period. Please do not take my post in that regard as that was not my intent and apologize if I have offended some. I think I was actually looking at a SaltWater Sportsman or something and noticed a guy with a mahi stuck into the camera and had absolutely no sense of how large it was and have had similar experiences on this site as well. Only trying to point out the fact that it is hard to tell the true size of a fish when it is stuck in front of the camera. That being said if you want to extend your arms and put it out there by all means do it!
On another note had a great weekend fishing the lake this past Sat and Sunday morning. Was a great just being out there in the terrific weather and would have been happy with nothing and the 6+ salmon, tagged bow and several lakers were a huge plus. Ended up taking one salmon back to the barn for the grill and hope to be back out there again soon.
-tight lines
Some people are sensitive about certain things, some about others, how is anyone supposed to know. I said something that upset a good friend a little recently here on the board, never intentional, but I guess we all say something sometimes that others feel may be out of line. I was only up tight for a short moment and then everything was cool. Livened up the board a bit and got a few other opinions. I'm hoping my friends post the other photo, not to prove ay points, it's just an awsome fish and I'm proud as hell. Maybe it will make the bragging board ?
I guess the few negative post were not even in regards to my fish's photo, I jumped the gun.
Hey Sampson, Mines still bigger then yours LOL You going on Saturday or what???????? Now that'll be a fun day!!!!!!!! i can't wait, might even go down to ame's earlier then when i went with Yo and sleep in the parking lot LOL Take Care God Bless and Tight Lines LOL Dave From up North
Your **** right it's bigger, gives me something to shoot for, but I don't know if Squam has any babies like that, maybe.
I told Craig yes, but then I remembered I was supposed to fish with Popeye this weekend, no firm day was set however ? I'm hoping Popeye can fish Sunday and I'll go with you and Craig Saturday.
I may have a bed for you at the camp, have to find out if anyone (my kids, etc) coming and I'll get back to you, right now nobody is coming Friday night that I know of, so it's lookin good.. If nobody come there will be plenty of room, room for Amber too. Now I may be getting ahead of myself here, but maybe you can come down early and we will give Squam a try Friday night. Get up and head down to Winni in the morning. So I have to check with Popeye and my family before we can firm the whole plan up.
Hey Popeye, how about it, are we on for Sunday or Saturday, I did commit to you first, if you can't make it Sunday, I'll be OK for Saturday, or we can do it the following week.
One way or another looks like a good weekend coming up.
John S.
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Replying to:
Hey Sampson, Mines still bigger then yours LOL You going on Saturday or what???????? Now that'll be a fun day!!!!!!!! i can't wait, might even go down to ame's earlier then when i went with Yo and sleep in the parking lot LOL Take Care God Bless and Tight Lines LOL Dave From up North
john considering the timing of that post it would be hard for anyone not to think it was directed at them.being an addict of this site i was following the posts about your report that night when i read the complaint post i said to myself im not gonna touch this.anyway as impressive as that salmon is im much more impressed with the cool classy way you responded to the post.hope you hammer them the rest of the season and i look forward to seeing that seven pounder good luck rich
That 7 pounder fooled me on Sampson's boat once If he/she gives me the chance to catch him/her again on his boat it Def. Won't happen again LOL I can visualize that Silverback almost every time i close my eyes LOL But my sweet laker did soften the blow a little LOL Take Care God Bless and Tight Lines LOL Dave From up North P.S. Sounds good John, just let me know?????