Until I starting coming to this board and learning from all you early-bird special pros, a lot of my best fishing has been late afternoon - dusk. Some guys who fish for trout down in reservoirs down here in NY are almost exclusive dusk-dark guys.
Like many, if not most people, getting up at 4 am or earlier is a little unatural and takes effort. But the results I get have made it worth the effort and I do enjoy "waking up on the water."
Like Popeye said they are not limited to what times they eat so when I'm fortunate enough to have a whole day and they aren't on the feed first thing then I leave them and do other things (lunch, swim, fish for perch...something) and then try them again later on.......sooner or later they'll get hungry.
im over in methuen ma on forrest lake, i still get my liscense. my house is the camp over my right shoulder with the rock foundation. i still find it fun to get out the 3 wt bamboo and see what they been putting in the lake : )