Check out Roadway Inn in Moultonborough. $60 a night. I was just up there looking for a place to stay for fishing Winni. this spring. There arn't many cheap chain hotels in the area. This is 9 miles from Meredith on Rt. 25. which is the main road on the north side of Winni. There is a Dunkin Donuts, gas stations and other food places along Rt.25. between Moultonborough and Meredith. The place has parking in the rear and I think there is room for a boat.... I am going to be talking with them next month to verify parking. This is a good bet as I have checked out other chain hotels and there just isn't any this close.
Thanks Brown Boat, Still Fishin. Still Fishin, I won't be able to make the gathering...traveling to Europe on business. I had hoped to make it. If you find anything please post or shoot me an e-mail:
Thanks to all so far. Does anyone know if Harbor Hill campground on Rt. 25 north of Meredith is open by the time of the derby?
I have a bran new area / apt above my garage with a full bath and kitchen. 950 sq feet, half mile from center harbor bay, plenty of room to park trucks, boat..
no furniture- need to bring air matteress.. Available $225 a nite for up to four people or 65 for one..