Great report Dave. Glad your encounter with moose left you guys okay.
Never fished that lake but Trav and I have hunted near it. Great country up there!
Yeah it def. is beautiful country (and I am pretty sure I know a couple of the areas you hunted, They don't grow small bucks up that way LOL) It's a nice lake that has some HUGE lakers in it, Gotta get Trav to come up there with me and try his jiggin method? Would love to see if that would pull up some of the monsters? Yeah the moose def. scared the living crap out of me It happened so fast it wasn't even funny, had enough time to say Oh F__K and that was it. Also reminds me of why I will never own a small sub compact car ever again. I deal with poor gas mileage in my big full size truck, at least I know I'll have a better chance of surviving a full on hit by one of those big beast. Sorry no pics Kool-aid, cell service is far and few between up there. Take Care God Bless LOL Dave