with that being said, I do not blame the website or its creators for the fisheries' decline however commercializing our sport to the extent that it has been commercialized certainly has at the very least contributed to the decline. I have posted here before but never numbers or fishing locales. I think the human race is intelligent enough to figure that out for themselves. on an added note, and it pains me to say this for the sake of the many talented guides on this lake, but could we perhaps limit the number of guides permitted to guide this Lake? As a recreational fisherman I know the intermittent trips that I make on this lake are not harming the numbers and therefore size of the fish but when I see larger boats with 6, 8 or 10 lines running off of them that bugs me. My 2 cents and in no way am I blaming any one person- just a lifetime, local fisherman who enjoys wetting a line once in awhile.
certainly enjoy a good discourse!