I am so happy for you. GOD listened to your prayers and provided you with guidance but it was you who claimed the strength to move on. I do believe that peace and all good things come to good, kind hearted people. Our men(stbx's) are clearly on self destructive paths in which the same behaviors are and will continue to be repeated. As painful as my experience has been & at times still is, I really aim to never accept any behavior that is less then I deserve. I wish that for all the women on this site that are hurting & unable to make that decision due to the emotional distress they are in. I ache for these women & am so comforted by the genuine love that we all provide to each other. You are so deserving of the love and respect from your new partner. Give yourself permission to be happy without any distractions from any negative influences. & "women" whether you think you can or think you can't, you are right ~Henry Ford
Abbey, that is so awesome and I am SO happy for you! The twists and turns of life are really something! You sound incredibly strong in your message, now your better life can begin. You will be an inspiration to me and I am sure to many others as well. wishing you much love and peace as you begin your new journey, hopefully this one will bring calmer waters, you deserve it! It's like you are tested and tested and if you don't give up, if you don't lose faith, you win. And the prize is PEACE.
Good for you. It took me 20 years to see my ex in the true light of things as well. I never want to look back again or deal with someone like him in the future either. So glad you found someone that you deserve.
Wow, you are my hero! I am so impressed with the presence of mind you had to coordinate with the girlfriend and expose this guy. What a miserable creature! You are both better off without him. I hope the GF has the inner strength to stay away from him. A huge understatement to say he really blew it!!!! Best of everything and stay strong!