That is one thing I do not miss with my ex out of the house....Misery. He was becoming one miserable person. When he doesn't get his way he sucks everyone down with him. I even had a person tell me that when my ex is miserable everyone around him is miserable and this person was not a close friend or relative...yet they could read my ex. I am learning not to let his misery affect me anymore. I still have to raise our children with him....but it is so freeing to have a home of my own. I can close my door and rest.
Amen! I had someone (not family or friend) come up to me at a barbecue and ask me what was wrong with my husband! I just moved out of town with my kids about a month thing i ever did! Before i was living in our home and he was living at his aunts. constant drama. so glad to be out of there. Good luck to you.
You are such a good mother and such a good person and such an inspiration to so many on this site. I am proud of how well you have done and how far you have come. You truly are someone to be admired!
I'm so "Proud" of all of us. I never dreamed how much heartache and sadness there really was out there until I came onto this forum at the start of my divorce. I was like everyone who first comes on here thinking that no one knows what this is really like. But, we each have a story that brought us to divorce and divorce ties us all together in one way or another and all these stories and lives keep pulling me back to this forum. I know if I can make it through all this pain and hurt everyone else can too.
My story is: I was a quiet and sometimes shy person who met my husband and married at the age of 21. I loved and adored him everyday of our lives, but he not only had eyes for me...he wanted money, popularity, leadership, success, etc..etc...these things in themselves are not bad to want, but when you are obsessed in getting them all you lose so much more than you will ever know.
I could never put into words how my ex broke my heart and how long it took me to heal. I always said...If someone were to tell me all I would go through before it happened, betrayal, heartache, lies, abandonment, anger and resentment, lawyers, court, being hated by someone I loved etc.... I would have curled up and died the first day of it all. But I had 2 boys, loving relatives and friends, a God who carried me through and I found this forum full of love and support as well.
I know where I was and I know where I am now and even though the rippling effects of my divorce still lingers in my everyday life. I MADE IT! It was hell on earth, but I MADE IT! So I know all of you will too. Just keep to your values, love who you are and be honest in all things... the rest will fall into place with time.
SAM came on the forum back when I did a few years ago and she and I rode the wave together with some others that come on here from time to time as well. I'm proud of you too SAM...remember when we first started out how we kept telling each other we would someday come on this forum and say everything is okay and the ride is over....Well, here we are and it is OKAY we are stronger, happier, wiser and moving on...proof that there is an end and then....A BEGINING