I'm a firm believer that you have to "earn" your way out of a marriage. Being married for only one year and giving up is NOT earning your way out. Marriage is very difficult, rest assured. If we're on this forum, we already know that and live it. What needs to take place now, whether you end things with your wife or not, is that you seek counseling. You are not drawn to this other woman because she is your soulmate. You are drawn to her because of something lacking within you...some insecurities of your own. What will likely happen is that you will leave your wife for this other woman, only to find another that REALLY "completes" you. It will never stop. Nobody will ever make you happy unless you are happy with yourself. So go ahead and do your wife a favor...call it quits so that she can eventually realize some true happiness someday. In the meantime, get used to that guilt. It will live with you forever.
Selfish pig! Your wife deserves better than you. A selfish, self centred, narcisistic grub! Get an annulment then she won't have the baggage of one failed marriage, its you that is the failure, not your wife. Grow up and get some balls and take some responsibility for the commitment you made to your wife. Tell this other woman to GO AWAY. You are both destructive & selfish.
OMG, I just read this whole thread at once and cannot stop laughing!!!! What was "SUN" thinking posting on a site for woman and divorce?!!!! Apparently he is clueless in all aspects of his life! Do you think this is what he was thinking he would get when he posed his ever so carefully worded question? After all, he did tell us not to judge, ladies!!! His wife may not know it for awhile (BTW, I love how he says she is a "catch" -- hope she hasn't caught something from him!) but he is doing her a huge favor.