I was completely fooled by him for years. I knew about the emotional affairs he had in the past but I always forgave him bc I thought he just had psychological problems...I never thought he would take it so far as to have sexual relationships with all of these women but apparently he lied all these years and slept w mltiple women during the course of our marriage. How could I have been so blind? I saw all the clues. How could I have believed that he would never actually cross the line and make it physical? He says now that after the birth of our daughter he knew he didn't want to be around bc he didn't want her to see him for what he is!!!! And he doesn't even want to try to change for the better. What kind of man is this??
My ex cheated on me the first time when I was 6 months pregnant. He guilt made him tell me his excuse was that life was just to much for him at the time, oh and that t shot( bottle) of Jack was blamed too.....
They lie, cheat and are complete a$$es and expect us to understand that becoming a parent scares the SH*T out of them. Well grow up! We are scared too and don't cheat, lie or stick our tails between our legs and run.
God bless you and this new baby. Your life will be so much better with out him.