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Re: Healing through divorce

So glad you shared you news with us. Time to celebrate a new beginning.

Re: Healing through divorce

Thanks so much!!!!

Re: Healing through divorce

I'm so happy for you. Now you can be your own person and live a much better life.

At the moment, I'm actually without a home. I signed the house over to him during the divorce and have 3 months to leave. We built this house together 20 years ago. Now I'm a guest here.

I'll be moving 135 miles from here to be near my daughter. I got just enough out of the settlement to get a very small house.

Good luck and much happiness in your new home.

Re: Healing through divorce

Just Me, continue to focus on the great things ahead-being closer to your daughter and beginning a new chapter of your life in which you can do what YOU want to do, when YOU want to do it. I understand your challenges leaving the house you helped build. Focus on ways you can fix up your little house and make it cute and cozy-reflecting YOU and things YOU like. A house is not what makes a home a home, but the love and atmosphere inside turn a house into a home. Thinking of you.

Re: Healing through divorce

Thanks so much! I will continue to pray for you, be greatful for your small home. It is yours...trust me, things will work out! Keep the faith!!!

Re: Healing through divorce

Yeah for you. I have at least 4 more years of living next to my ex. Praying he moves the minute or youngest graduates HS.
Enjoy your new start.

Re: Healing through divorce

Thanks so much!!!!