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Re: Struggling

I understand the feeling of wanting to be the “fixer” and continuing to worry about your husband even though you know it’s hopeless. I have spent a ridiculous amount of money and time trying to set my husband up to start over. I went to court with him for 2 days for a case his ex wife and he had AFTER I filed for divorce, giving him advice, support and trying to manage his anger issues. I can’t imagine having to still live together, that must make it impossible to emotionally separate. I hope you are able to live separately soon.

Re: Struggling

Thank you so much. I have a lot of guilt. I feel like my life is pretty good. I love my job. Enjoy my hobbies. He doesn't have any of that. Think it will hurt moving apart when it finally happens. Painful. However, I can see myself happy. Feel guilty about that too! Ugh. I have been waiting for the man I married to return for about 15 years. Crazy how I didn't leave sooner. He's been unfaithful many years. About 7 months ago found out it was still continuiing. I filed. I'm a bit stronger now. Was not in the past. Instead of staying mad, which would probably be better, I am dealing with a very very depressed person with horrible anxiety. It is bringing me down. Just want to laugh and be happy. Very unhealthy here. How nice to find this forum. Thank you.

Re: Struggling

I understand. I am always thinking of his feelings and trying not to hurt him. Meanwhile, he hurts my feelings at the drop of a dime and shows no remorse. This attachment that we have we people like this is called a trauma bond. Listen to podcasts and read about it. I’m still learning about all of this, but now I see it. Knowledge is power and will help you get away from this. You have a right to be happy.

Re: Struggling

Thank you. I will give that a listen. Honestly it is so difficult to work on myself when the focus is all him and his problems. It is exhausting. Now that the weather is better I am enjoying my wonderful hobbies and about to start my busy season at my job which I love. Both of these things will take me out of this apartment and away from him. I really just want some peace. And laughs. Have a hearing before the judge on the 17th. Am sure that will bring more pain and hurt. For both of us. I keep thinking...just get the divorce. Follow through. Hoping once that's over that moving on will be easier. Hope that's the case. Sometimes I think I am stuck here til he gets better. Healthier. For now I don't see that happening. Guilt sucks. And you are correct. He had/has no problem hurting me. No problem LEAVING me. Twice. Yet here I am. It's sick.