My husband and I have have just seperated after 25 yrs, there appears to be no other woman and all our friends say he is going through a mental breakdown. You know what I have been a mess and too have suffered anxiety attacks but I have come to realize that if he can't support me through these bad time he will not get to support me through any other. My kids who thankfully are ayoung adults but it hasn't been easier on them have been my rock. You realize who your friends and support are through these hard times and you are worth more and are so much better than what he is putting you through.
I sometimes feel guilty that I am not there to care for him and support him through his mental breakdown or depression that he seems to be suffering but as harsh as it sounds I have had to be there for my children through all this where as he has not and he chose this harsh to decision to end our marriage without any discussionw what so ever.
You are stronger and worth so much more than what you are going through now xx
Both of your stories resonate with me. 6 weeks ago, my husband also told me he wants a divorce from our 18 years together. I believe he has been depressed for a long time and hasn't felt a sense of purpose or masculinity. Every reason he gave for divorce completely demonized me. Even though all of us ladies know we have held our families together and are willing to work on our marriages, we cannot because our partners are unwilling. It causes such self doubt, feelings of low self worth, and a loss of control. I am trying to remember that it takes two to fix a marriage. I am trying to get out of my head and trying to read his mind. I am trying not to read into every behavior to see something that isn't there. I am trying not to hope. It is day by day on this emotional roller coaster. I am reading "No one Ever Dies From Divorce " and it is helping me to understand my emotions. Hang in there ladies. We will get through this and be stronger on the other side. THIS i can hope for.