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Re: Depressed, lonely and tons of regret

Reading your post was like my life. I have been married 31 years this Halloween. Married when I was 21, he put me on a pedestal and did everything for me.

Little bits of distrust crept in and we had issues from then to now. Sex became difficult for me because I felt disgust for him. As you can imagine, that doesn't work for men. So then I started to become bitter and irritated.

Fast forward, he cheated, I forgave and didn't want to end our marriage.

A month ago he left again, out of nowhere. He still irritated me, but now I miss him horrible, cry everyday. Nothing matters anymore that used to. I see my live for him now, where before I couldn't f8nd it.

He is acting exactly as you described your husband. Completely shut off. New world, new house, new truck and dog! He isn't with anyone besides my son right now. J6st sleeps and works according to my son.

I have sent texts crying and explaining how I feel now and we can fix this, blah blah blah. Vowing each time that I am not texting him again.

I feel your pain. The loneliness is killing me. I'm sorry for your pain, it is excruciating and debilitating. 💜