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Re: Severe anxiety and bipolar

Your husband is sick and he needs help. Ask him if he’s willing to seek therapy. I wouldn’t fulfill any of his physical needs as you have no idea if he’s already gone outside of the marriage and you need to protect your own health. I’m so sorry that he’s behaving this way. Tell him to stop sharing your picture now as that’s rude and inconsiderate of him. A good therapist would be able to give you even better advice.

Re: Severe anxiety and bipolar

I don't fill any of his needs not since he told me but the fact that he says all different kinds of stuff and tells me I shouldn't be upset that they need to be strong for him really hurts tells me on his best friend and his only friend but I can say he has been my only and best friend for all of these years I don't have anybody else which is why it makes it so hard

Re: Severe anxiety and bipolar

I’m so sad for you and the kids. Unfortunately he does sound like he’s sick and should seek therapy first.
Don’t take it to heart because this is not you, it is all him.
Living with a person who isn’t well is not your fault. Try to stay calm and sane for your children and your own health.

Re: Severe anxiety and bipolar

Thank you Casey I am trying to stay strong for me and my kids it has been super hard though like I said he's still living with me waiting for the house to come available in our area and I have done everything for him for all of these years so it is hard to not want to do those things anymore I really feel like I am messed up in the head because I only want to be with him cuz this is so out of character for him