Dont get down on lake O. Its usually a great place to fish. Right now out there is a little early. The water is really low for this time of year. Its starting to come up I hear. The end of april is when I would plan at trip at the earliest. Things just dont start to really get going until early may in most places. Been there..done that at the bar and went too early one year. Still had lots of fun but the salmon were almost nonexistant. Nasty lakers...we got em.
Want to go and fish a fun tourney at the same time? There is one 6/26 out of oswego and one 7/24 out of the little salmon river. $50. per boat tourney. All very well run and friendly. Rooms are easy to come by and cheap compared to around here. I have been doing them with my son for 4 years now. The prizes are awesome. Captains bag is worth over the $50. entry fee. If you want more info email me at