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Re: Why does he get to have all the fun!!!!!!!

Becky I feel the same way. I have to feed them and take from here to there and all dad is good for is going out to eat and playing games. My house is work and work and dad's is fun, but with all that my son prefers to be here. I love that fact. When dad calls my 7yr old actually asks "why are you calling" I love the fact that they decided to leave and think their lives are better now but their kids decide where they want to be, and apparently is not with them.

Re: Why does he get to have all the fun!!!!!!!

As we're sitting in the living room Christmas morning, just me and my boys-boys hadn't yet seen their dad- my oldest leans over and whispers, "This is the best Christmas I've ever had." Hmmm, first one without your dad around...

Re: Why does he get to have all the fun!!!!!!!

Hi i am very sorry to hear about your situation.Your ex is really one irresponsible and it's a shame he could afford to go abroad for Christmas and than left without money to even feed his son.
You are left alone but i am sure your kids will know to respect it when they get older.
It will pay off for your care and sacrifice.