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Re: Pain of living with him

Hey, Alone, you commented that we must all be shaking our heads and thinking you're an idiot. We are not hear to judge you and we have all found comfort in the others here that have not judged us. Until someone has walked in your shoes they really don't know. I'm glad to hear you are seeing a therapist. I think it was StrongSpirit who commented about how our heads and hearts don't always agree. That is so true! Everyone is different and reacts differently to the cards life deals them. Who is to say what is right? Thirty some years is a long time, especially if you had a pretty decent marriage and found comfort in being in his arms. When Jerk told me he was leaving I was very confused. We had had this conversation before but then he'd always act like everything was normal (which under our roof was far from normal!). A week before he left he had let me know it was likely, then acted like everything was fine that week. When he came to me the following weekend and told me he would be leaving I fell apart. He tried to comfort me-not because he wanted to comfort ME, but it made HIM feel better. Hey, he deserved to feel horrible. I pulled away and haven't touched him since. We all react differently. He asked when he should leave-I told him to pack his bags. We told the kids that weekend and he was gone. While it was unspoken in our home we had gone through a lot of the grieving of the marriage before he moved out. I reached out to him during that time. But once it was spoken all I wanted to do was rip him apart. What does that say about my anger issues? I have rattled on, but know that you are not alone. This ia a horrible thing. Keep seeing your therapist and let us know how you're doing.

Re: Pain of living with him

I know how you feel. We have been married 32 years and are now going through the divorce process. We're in the same house at the advice of my attorney, but sleeping in separate beds in separate bedrooms. Many times I have wanted to get into the bed with him and just hold eachother. Many, many times.
The divorce was supposed to happen tomorrow, but due to a glitch in the settlement agreement, it's on hold again. So it will be at least another month of this.

In my heart of hearts, I know our marriage is rotten from the inside to the outside. It really has to end. I wish it could go back to how it was the first 12 years when we went places and did things together. We ate dinner together every night and watched TV together. We talked together and laughed together. I was proud of him and I think he was proud of me.
For the past 20 years it has spiraled downhill. There's only a tiny thread left, not enough to hang onto.
So, when the divorce is final, I expect (hope) that we can still hug eachother - and more. I hope I can talk to him about things and he can talk to me. Some of the others on this forum have expressed that a man is using a woman if this relationship continues like this. Well, maybe he would be using me, but I would also be using him.
Yes, I know how you feel.

Re: Pain of living with him

Yes, JustMe I know what you mean about wanting to stay connected somehow even after the divorce. My husband says that he hopes we will be close friends always but that it will be up to me since I am the "injured" party. I do not know how to not be friends, unlike some others on here he is not an abuser in any way. Until he met this woman he was a good and decent, hard working man. How can you live and love someone like that for 32 years, raise a family with him, and not want to be at least friends? I am afriad it won't happen though, he is so head over heels about this new woman and his behavior and attitudes have changed. I am not sure he will be a friend who stays in touch. Given his intention of moving 1400 miles away to be with her, he could very easily drop out of my live and the lives of our children and grandchildren.

Re: Pain of living with him

Please forgive me if I overstep, but you say he is a good and decent man. He made vows to you. He has broken those vows. You have to do what is best for you...in my book a good and decent man holds up his end of the vows. Hoping you find peace soon.

Re: Pain of living with him

Yes Becky of course you are right. But notice that I said "until he met this woman" he was a good and decent man. I truly believe that. What has happened in the 7 months since is a completely different story. Especially since up until this point he has completely refused to work on our marriage. Even when our children asked him to at least attempt to salvage it he has refused to even try. No, he is no longer a good and decent man.

Re: Pain of living with him

I stand corrected. My stbx also was not abusive-not in the sense that you would think. But looking back he has always been controlling in a passive agressive manner. He has not abused drugs, etc., except in the past few years he is drunk as often as sober. He never cheated on me (that I am aware of), although I know his heart has not been with me in the last loooooong while. But I understand what you are saying about seeing your stbx has someone that was decent and a good man. It's hard to see that that has changed. What could possibly make a man (thinking of yours) do this? As my grandfather would have said, it appears as though the elevator no longer goes to the top floor. I am praying you find peace soon.

Re: Pain of living with him

LOL! I love your grandfather's comment! That's a new one for me!! I am still hoping that my husband is having a mid-life crisis and will come to his senses. But each time he takes a trip to visit her he drives a larger wedge between us. I honesly am no longer sure I want him back. At least not without him proving that he really wants it. That would take real effort on hs part and a good bit of time too. I hope and pray everything works out well for everyone on here including myself.

Re: Pain of living with him

I am still hoping that my husband is having a mid-life crisis and will come to his senses.

Hope is the best thing to have in the world. I do hope that if you and your husband can work it out that it happens for you. Stranger things have happened. But don't let hope come before you. You did go on and say that you don't know if you want him back and that is the point that you have to remember. Once a man or woman decides that they don't want to be in a relationship hope takes a back seat.
I really had to think through the hope. I NEVER wanted a divorce. I thought I could will my ex to want me. After his first affair I gave hope the benefit of the doubt. I hoped, prayed and wished that the words " I slept with someone else" would be just a dream. I forgave him. Forgiving and forgetting are two separate things. Looking back I realize that I never really forgave him. I said I did but the betrayal, hurt and sadness were just to much to forget. When my ex "decided" he wanted to be with someone else over me he took part of me. The forgiving, kind and loving part. I still struggle with being a forgiving person. Seems that since he took that part of me when he cheated I have become a hard uncaring person. To live 9 more years hiding the betrayal from family friends and most important myself was harder on me than actually dealing with the affair. We ( better said ME) tried to glue our marriage back together. The only thing I didn't try was Krazy Glue. He cheated again and again. Until finally I was numb to what he did. I no longer cared. I filed for divorce. A step that was harder to do than I thought.
Now to work on getting the part of me that he stole. Step by step I am becoming the person I was before he destroyed me.
None of this might make sense my point is that IF BOTH of you are willing to work through the affair then it can work. But if he is still seeing her then there is no hope.